Why I Dislike the ISA and Why I Think it has Failed

I hate the International Symbol of Access (ISA). That symbol that is intended to indicate spaces built to accommodate disabled people. It has however fundamentally failed to promote the accessibility that it meant to signify. If anything it has fostered misunderstandings both outside of and within the disability community. The symbol is tellingly often referred to … Continue reading Why I Dislike the ISA and Why I Think it has Failed

Bill Nye Saves the World from Disabled People

Image Description: Bill Nye a 61-year-old white man with grey hair stands atop the earth with his hands on his hips and lab coat billowing out behind him like a superhero's cape in a promotional image for his Netflix series Bill Nye Saves the World. When I first heard that Bill Nye would be starring in … Continue reading Bill Nye Saves the World from Disabled People

When Celebrating Accessible Technology is Just Reinforcing Ableism

So this video has been popping up on my Facebook news feed a lot lately. It's a video demonstrating a wheelchair invented by Swiss students and it's a wheelchair that can climb stairs. Now I know that stairs are a major physical barrier to wheelchair users and I have no issue with any technology that … Continue reading When Celebrating Accessible Technology is Just Reinforcing Ableism