Okay, So I Educated 1 Nondisabled Person, Only 6 Billion to go.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a nondisabled person in the company of a disabled stranger wants to know "What is wrong with you?" This tweet was shared in response to someone who had just explained not only that they did not want to answer people's random questions about their disability but also that … Continue reading Okay, So I Educated 1 Nondisabled Person, Only 6 Billion to go.

Proof that “Positive” Euphemisms for Disability Just Don’t Work

In the last couple of decades the language surrounding disability has become very fluid, less specific and just generally vague because "disability" is seen as a dirty word whose associations have negative affects on the people to whom it's applied. In a move that fools exactly no one supposedly positive euphemisms have been introduced to … Continue reading Proof that “Positive” Euphemisms for Disability Just Don’t Work

When Your Disability isn’t Considered in Grade School

I have hemiplegic cerebral palsy and am on the autism spectrum. I wasn't diagnosed with the latter until I was eighteen and had already graduated high school. In some ways the total lack of knowledge my parents had about cerebral palsy contributed to this lack of diagnosis. My extreme sensitivity to touch and textures was … Continue reading When Your Disability isn’t Considered in Grade School