The Peanut Butter Falcon and Doing Disability Differently in Film

Image Description. Poster for the Peanut Butter Falcon. The three stars Tyler (Shia LaBeouf), Zak (Zack Gottsagen), and Eleanor (Dakota Johnson) are on a wooden raft while Zak poses with a gun on a river with the movie's title at the bottom. The Peanut Butter Falcon is a beautiful artistically shot film that manages to … Continue reading The Peanut Butter Falcon and Doing Disability Differently in Film

What Canada’s Immigration Policies Say about the Status of Disability in Canada

    Every so often in Canada (and other countries but I'm focusing on Canada here) a sad story will appear in the papers. It's one that we've seen before and will unfortunately see again. A family has been denied permanent residency because a family member (usually a minor child) is disabled. The most recent … Continue reading What Canada’s Immigration Policies Say about the Status of Disability in Canada